Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Question 1 on Final

If I could chose to hang masterpieces in my home, I think that I would hang some of Monet's works. I really enjoy impressionistic pieces, they just seem to add life to a place and not take themselves too seriously. Also, they are just pretty.

I would hang Springtime in my room. It is very relaxing, which is what I think a bedroom should promote. The colors would also go very nicely since my room has green and purple walls.


I have a rather large wall that goes from shoulder height to the ceiling, which is open beam. It gives my house a cabin-type feel. I would place Sunrise on the left side of the wall.

Venice Twilight

Venice Twilight would go on the same wall as Sunrise, but in the middle.

Sunset at Lavacourt

Sunset at Lavacourt would go to the right of Venice Twilight. I like the progression of these three paintings, like you are watching the day go by. I have sliding glass doors to the right of the wall where these would all be placed, so there would be plenty of natural light to view the paintings in.

Poppy Field Daily

This last painting of poppies would be placed in my dining room. It would make me feel as if I am eating outside in a field of poppies, like every meal was a picnic.

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