Sunday, February 14, 2010

Art Walk Follow Up

I went back to the Pomona Arts Colony to do the follow up assignment and got to visit a gallery that I missed on the Art Walk. OBJCT gallery was interesting in a fun way. I talked a guy that works there and learned that all the artwork there was recycled from something else. The man told me that repurposing and reusing materials was the new “hot” trend. He expects it to take off since people are so into recycling to save the earth.

Cassandra Tondro Unfolding Acrylic latex on canvas, 2007

These four panels were painted with paint collected from a hazardous waste clean up event. Although I found it praiseworthy that the artist is using reclaimed paint, it amazes me that anyone would pay the asking price of $11,500. Sometimes I think that if you were to slap some paint on a canvas, put a huge price tag on it, and hang it in a museum, you would get people willing to pay the exorbitant fee and say that it is a masterpiece.

Cassandra Tondro Cosmos Acrylic latex on canvas, 2008

I don’t understand how the four panel piece could be priced at $11,500 but this two panel piece is priced at $2,900. I suppose that pricing, like art itself, is subjective.

Greg Lynn Toy Furniture: Duck Table Plastic toy base, Panelite top, 2008

I really enjoyed this table. The only person that I can think of that would buy this would be a middle aged man who has too much money and wants to get his youth back. Although I think that it is great that the plastic is recycled from plastic toys, I don’t know anyone who would want to buy it to use it. I hope that the artist had fun making this, I know I had fun viewing it.

Once again, the information that I got from the employee when interviewing him was that repurposing was the next big thing.

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